
Cape Town, South Africa & Israel, clarified purpose

Where are you from?

 Gastonia, NC

Fun Fact about you?

I played Division I Basketball for University of Miami in the ACC Conference

What is your occupation?

At my main job, I am a Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral therapist and a mental health supervisor. Secondary job, I work for a non-profit that serve girls who are pregnant of have children between the ages of 11-19.

What are you most passionate about?

I love to help women know their worth and identity is found in Christ. I love to counsel, empower, and encourage women and girls in everyday life situations. I love helping women and girls overcome life challenges.

What made you choose to go on a Brave by Faith Travel Experience?

I saw Juliette passion for women and their relationship with God. I observed her contentment in her single season, which empowered me not to focus on what I do not have but to be content with where God has me now. Juliette encourage me to develop and grow more as an individual, while stepping out of my comfort zone. I hear a lot of women state, “I am waiting for my husband, or I am waiting for this or that.” Through observation and personally be around Juliette on the South Africa trip, it changed my outlook on waiting. Brave by Faith Travel (Juliette), helped me to understand the importance of “waiting well” in terms of what it means to serve and be use by God in the season He has you in now. Brave by Faith Travel help me discover more of who God desires me to be as I grow my faith and be brave to travel the world.

What was your most defining moment of your Brave by Faith Experience in (South Africa)?

Before going to Cape Town, South Africa, I consistently cared about what others thought about me. During the trip Juliette assigned us prayer partners, gave us journals for daily reflection, and appointed times to listen to the voice of God regarding the things she wanted us to take from the trip. This trip forced me to be transparent, vulnerable, self-less, and bold. As I shared my testimony and other shared their own, I did not know many women had similar struggles, fears, and weaknesses. Little did I know my struggles, fears, and weaknesses would become my harvest of the seeds God planted inside of me to be bold, fearless, and strong. I literally birthed purpose from this trip and I have never been the same.

What does being Brave by Faith mean to you?

As I reflect on the trip, the Lord reminded me of Abraham and his boldness to walk by faith of leaving a land he was former with to a land he never seen (Genesis 12:1-3). Abraham had to leave his family behind for God to fulfill the promise in his life. I believe this trip for me was an Abraham experience because I was stretched and challenged to be bold and fearless in order for God to use me. Brave by Faith to me means being BOLD for the Lord in order for growth to take place.