
Cape Town, South Africa, renewed faith and trust

Where are you from?

Los Angeles, CA

Fun Fact About You?

I’ve been on TV on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) for a show called Home Made Simple

What is your occupation?


What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about civic engagement and serving underprivileged communities through community service

What made you choose to go on a Brave By Faith Travel Experience?

I chose to go on a Brave By Faith Travel experience because I looked into other travel groups, but Brave by Faith Travel was everything and more that I was looking for. Brave by Faith Travel provided me with the opportunity to be able to travel with other like-minded Christian women and be able to have fun and a fulfilling experience without doing things that would comprise my faith. If you are looking for well-rounded experience to travel internationally, participate in community service activities, sight-see, experience the culture of the city which you are in, and have an encounter with God, I highly recommend Brave By Faith Travel.

What was your most defining moment of you Brave by Faith Experience in Cape Town, South Africa?

There are so many defining moments that I could choose from. However, if I had to choose one defining moment it would be visiting Khayelitsha Hospital. At Khayelitsha hospital we had an opportunity to visit mothers and their babies who were born premature. Some of the mothers never received any visitors, were tired, low in confidence, and were looking for emotional support. It was an amazing experience to be able to spend time with the mothers and their babies, get to know them, encourage, and pray for them. Even though we were there for a short time, I could tell that the mothers were appreiciatve of our time with them, as we turned frowns into smiles and lifted their spirits.

What does being Brave by Faith mean to you?

Being Brave by Faith to me means being courageous, stepping out of my comfort zone, letting go of fear, removing all the limits, trusting that God will see me through, and give me the endurance to make it through this path that I am on. Being Brave by Faith may seem crazy to others because the how, what, where, and when may not be clearly defined. But it is all about knowing that my Heavenly Father knows what is best for me and believing that He will see me through.